SMALL 해외유학기65 Hello Kitty 2011. 4. 6. PORK CHOPS In a zoo in California , a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, Due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size, they died shortly after birth. The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly started to decline in health, Although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of .. 2011. 4. 3. Going to School - UNBELIEVABLE 2011. 4. 3. Amazing 6 Year Old Ethan Bortnick - Piano Prodigy on Tonight Show 2011. 4. 3. Bronx Zoo cobra found in its reptile house NEW YORK — A highly venomous Egyptian cobra that went missing at the Bronx Zoo was found Thursday after nearly a week on the lam in the reptile house, zoo officials said. The approximately 24-inch snake was found coiled in a dark corner of the reptile house, about 200 feet from where it had escaped from a holding cage outside the exhibit into a space described by officials as a labyrinth of pipe.. 2011. 4. 1. Gleeful: The Real Show Choirs of America 2011. 4. 1. Twin babies having a conversation Funny. Baby1: What do you mean I need to put on another sock? Baby2: You look silly! That's what I mean! Baby1: Look! I makes my right foot lighter so I can do...this... Baby2: Why do you want to do...that...? Baby1: Cuz! I'm workin' out! I'm gonna puuullll...uh! this freezer one day and make off with ALL da da da ice cream!! Baby2: You ARE da da da Man! I bow da da da down to you! Baby1: You d.. 2011. 4. 1. NY zoo closes reptile house after cobra disappears Bronx Zoo staff have undertaken a frantic search for a deadly Egyptian cobra that has been missing since Friday. NEW YORK — A poisonous cobra has vanished from an enclosure outside public view at the Bronx Zoo, and its Reptile House remained closed Sunday as a precaution while zoo workers searched for the missing reptile. While the roughly 20-inch-long Egyptian cobra _ a highly venomous species .. 2011. 3. 28. Super Moon News (Photo AP Photo / NASA ) This image released by NASA shows an enhanced photo image of Mercury from its Messenger probe s 2008 flyby of the planet. NASA says it was a taste of pictures likely to come after March 17, 2011, when the probe enters Mercury s orbit. This photo shows the eastern part of the smallest and closest planet in our solar system. The colors in this picture are different than wh.. 2011. 3. 28. 패밀리 앨범 2 2011. 2. 21. Top 10 greatest 2D animation 2011. 2. 21. 패밀리 앨범 1 영어공부도 되지만 가족이야기를 다룬 내용이 너무나 알차고도 재미있게 잘 만들어져 있다. 뉴욕에서 시작된 이야기라 그런지 더욱 흥미가 느껴진다. 떠나기 전까지 지금부터라도 열심히 한번 들어보자. 2011. 2. 16. UST에서의 첫 학기 앞으로 3년간을 다녀야하는 강행군이 기다리고 있지만 첫학기를 무사히 넘기고 돌아왔다. 396년 전통을 가진 명문대학 필리핀 UST(상토토마스)대학원에서의 지난 2주간은 마치 1년같은 시간이었다. 필리핀의 명문 4개교에 들어가는 UST는 중,고,대학생을 합쳐 약 4만여명이 다니고 있다. 각 학교 학생과 과를 구분하기 위해 모두 교복을 입고있는 것이 특색인데 특히 음대와 의대가 많이 알려져있다. 그래서인지 필리핀에서 만났던 유명 지휘자나 음악인의 대부분이 UST출신이었고 우리와의 만남을 무척 기뻐했다. 첫날 대학원생임을 증명하는 아이디 카드를 받는 순간 얼마나 기뻤던지 ... 이 카드가 없인 학교를 출입할 수가 없다. 합창지휘과임에도 불구하고 이번 학기는 합창편곡, 화성학을 비롯한 음악전반 이론이 작곡을 전.. 2010. 8. 14. UST(상토토마스대학원) 졸업연주회를 마치고 with the Changwon Daeam High School Choir Changwon Teacher's choir Performing Choirs Hong-ju Lee Eun-Ryung Kang Pianist University of Santo Tomas Graduate School and Conservatory of Music Present Kwi-Ja Kim Conductor A Graduate student of Prof. Jae-Joon Lee in a Neulpureun Sanctuary For the degree of Master of Arts in Music, Major in Choral Conducting January 12, 2010 Tuesday 7:00 P.M PROGRAMME .. 2010. 8. 14. 필리핀 상토토마스대학원(UST) 사진 모음 2010. 8. 12. 이전 1 2 3 다음 LIST